Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Last weekend....this weekend...

So...last weekend was Craft Candy in Sheffield in the lovely millenium gallery. It was a good day out, and my summer fete themed stall went down a treat...

The hamper is a lucky-dip and in the middle, a tombola which was favoured by the older generation! Also, a guess how many sweets in the jar competition! As well as the fun and games there were actual real life products to buy..

And a pair of real life people bahind the stall. I had a stall next to the lovely Helen from hello memo, she was there with the fine city friends stall, which has a great collection of work from awesome crafters (who share the same views on modern craft...more of that another time). When it came to the end of the day all the helium balloons were getting popped but I nabbed some seen as we swere heading dtraight over to Donny for an awesome lady's birthday sleepover!

Baloons plus hamper equals twee, plus, the ballon colours co-ordinated to seleena's hair/eye-make-up combo...magic!
THIS WEEKEND...we will be hosting a craft session at the (almost as twee as a hamper with ballons tied to it) Indie tracks festival, so come down to the craft tent for a bit of summat to make and do.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Knit and Destroy's left-hand man!

So...you all know that I do the knitting here at Knit and Destroy HQ, but there are lots of other things that I don't do like drawings, website creation, photographs etc. For all these jobs there is my left-hand man (like right-hand man but he's a left hander and proud of it) Ben.
He works hard to make Knit and Destroy the hand-crafted presence that it is! With the recent re-work of the website etc, he has been putting in the hours so I thought it was about time I gave him a big up shout out so here it is...

First up this awesome summer fete themed advert for NUDE magazine: my products + his drawings = lovely stuff!

Secondly, the new website...he made all the paper-bits I wanted, the catalogue and knit and destroy past collections pamplets are real-life little booklets he designed and made. Oh, and he designed the whole website and made it work, snaps for that!

The last example for today is this video, we made it because we thought you might like to see how the products are made and the different stages involved (also directed and edited by Ben). As well as doing all these things for Knit and Destroy, he does...skateboard graphics, illustrations, and is currently working on a comic! To see more, check out his website .

Kandy x

p.s. don't forget, if you are anywhere near Sheffield this weekend you MUST come to the candy floss summer craft fair. My stall is summer fete themed and there will be lots of fun bits as well as ace knitted stuff to buy!

Friday, 9 July 2010

Jammin' July...

Hello there,
I just had a 'half way through the year' realisation today...seriously, where did that go?! I have done lots of fun things so far, and July is set to be a cracker of a month (hence the post title). So far we have had website relaunch...Eclipse movie preview...

(totally not biased towards Jasper or owt, ahem)

Then last night the Younger Lovers gig in Manchester where funnn VERY SWEATY times were had by all...in particular the front man of the band Brontez, there aint no party like a Brontez party! My friend Nickie was lucky enough to get a photo shoot with the man himself, cannot wait to see her pics, here's a stock brontez photo for now....

Still to come in Jammin July, next weekend we have craft candy in sheffield at the millenium gallery, I did this fair last year and it was one of my favourites ever!

As well as Knit and Destroy, the awesome Sugar Paper Zine will have a stall there with more crafty goodness than ever before along with a ton of other great stalls! Before the month is out, a festival...more about that nearer the time.

More soon


Thursday, 1 July 2010

New Website is UP!!


After lots of thinking and making and thinking and making, here it is, the new look Knit and Destroy website. I hope you all like it! This is my favourite part of it at the moment:

I love how nearly a whole room is in one photo, simple things...!

There are also new s/s 10 bits in the shop, and there will be lots more knits popping up on the shop over the next few weeks so keep checking back.

K x